Weekly Astrology Forecast, July 2-8: Leaving Tension Behind

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The week begins with tension in our skies as Venus and Uranus push and pull each other, leading us to witness the struggle that may be taking place within us as well. As the days progress, the Full Moon in Capricorn offers release and renewal.

Venus in Leo Square Uranus in Taurus

Astrology is known for tracing the earthly repercussions of the movement of the Sun and planets through the signs of the zodiac and the cycle of the Moon through the lunar phases. A lesser-known aspect of astrology is how the planets communicate, collaborate, and create invitations through their relative positions to one another.

We are not alien to the relationships between the planets. We feel its impact through the monthly transits and experience its influence within our natal charts and therefore within us.

A square aspect occurs when two planets are three signs away from each other. This creates friction. It’s the kind of tension that can feel like opposing forces, aspects of ourselves, that at first feel like they can never fit together, like one is fighting the other. That feeling persists until we choose to step up and be with that tension before we finally discover that it is one of our greatest strengths, motivators, and gateways to ourselves.

The squares are opportunities. They take us out of complacency and lead us to change. When we make the decision to be with what is ours, to heal what we hold, and to embody the totality of ourselves, we are met with opportunities, whether they arise from within or arise from an external experience, fueled by that decision.

In astrology, Venus represents what we value. In ourselves, in others, in the people we choose to have space in our lives and in what we value in our environment, be it art, food, career or beauty. What we value reflects who we are, and the decisions we make based on those values ​​solidify our sense of identity and fulfillment. The expression of Venus known as love shows up most obviously in our relationships, be they romantic, friendship, business, or otherwise.

Uranus has a very different tone. Uranus is the side of us that needs freedom. Uranus is change and revolution. It shakes things up and disrupts old beliefs for the sake of moving forward and cracking entrenched structures that inhibit us.

As Venus approaches its retrograde start towards the end of July, its encounter with Uranus on July 2 acts almost as a break from what we may be invited to continue contemplating, reflecting on, and reviewing throughout the backward movement that will soon take place. will find us. .

This square can feel as if something is rising within us that is ready to be witnessed, whether it be emotions we have disowned, desires we have pushed into the shadows, facts we have denied, or values ​​we have laid to rest in name. security, peace, tranquility or anything else. Uranus pierces the defenses we have put in place and brings what is ours front and center.

Full Moon in Capricorn

Full moons are a time of release. The Moon has built itself to the point of fullness where the only direction is to empty, let go and surrender. It is an invitation to close.

Capricorn, as an archetype, is here for the realization of our highest potential. He’s here for the ride to the top of our mountain. It is here what we become throughout our journey to reach the top.

Capricorn builds us. He challenges us. It shapes us. And teaches us Capricorn reminds us that no matter what we face, we have the inner resources to carry on, whether we are aware of them or hidden and untapped. Sometimes, it’s not until the moment when an obstacle prevents us from moving forward that those resources ignite us to dig deep and find them so that we can move on.

While the Moon sits in Capricorn, the Sun and Mercury sit opposite it in Cancer. A water sign, Cancer is the meaning we find by exploring our emotional waters and the currents of our body. It is our inner foundation.

The full moon on July 3 is an invitation to dive deep in order to explore the outer terrain. It is an invitation to dive into your body, explore your emotion, and nurture your heart as much as it is to lean on practical mind, discipline, structure, and long-term desires.

With this sinking inside and looking outwards, we return to the current state of the Moon, which is about letting go. We allow the insights that lie deep within our emotions, pair them with the long-term desires we know are already ours, and release whatever we hold onto that inhibits our journey. We look inward, we look around, and we begin to let go of the weight that prevents us from climbing our mountain.

your invitation

Reflection. Felt experience. Be with what arises from the depths of your body. Express what you feel in a way that helps you make sense of it, whether it’s movement, art, music, writing, or conversation.

The invitation is presence with your experience along with the grace to feel whatever you can feel, even when it is in opposition to who you think you should be, what you think you should experience, or how you assume you should live your life.

Uranus wants to open up the perspectives through which you have created your reality. He shows you that there is more, that there is different, that there is a new way of contemplating. But first you must break the confines through which you have been perceiving.

Lean into your Venus and explore what your values ​​are, what your needs are, what desires come from deep within you, and whether they are being fulfilled by you, another, your environment, or your experience of reality in general.

After that, there is an opportunity to exhale. Let go. Release. This week’s full moon comes at a beautiful time for a somatic release. Shake off the emotion. Move through your reluctance. Release the clutter in your mind. And surrender to your experience without having to make perfect sense of everything.

Allow Capricorn to remind you of the path that is yours. The path that makes you want to be the best you can be. The path that makes you want to keep getting up, no matter how many times you’ve fallen. The path that brings out in you the strength you didn’t know you had. The path that is yours.

Learn more about the influence of astrology on your life, including astrological events, the cycles of the Moon, your Sun and Moon and rising signs, how journaling can help you connect with current influences, and more with Jordane dizzy in Girl and her Moon.

About our partner

jordan marie is the founder of girl and her moon, a platform and community that explores the Soul through the lens of astrology, tarot, and energy healing. She is a writer, intuitive astrologer, energy and soul guide, and host of Girl and her moon, the podcast. She is inspired, every day, to be the mirror for you to see all that you really are, you in all your infinite abilities, in full expansion, in infinite opportunities and love.

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